Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Teen Pregnancy Month

Yep...it's teen preggers month. I know. Seemed weird to me too, but I'm new to this teacher stuff, so I'm not asking questions.

I just cut into our 2nd home grown tomato of the season and I have to tell you...homemade tomatoes make you feel like dancing. Instead, I'm going to take a stroll around the block with Jim Brill (state legislator) before it's back to the wedding planning and nagging of Philadelphia Human Resources Departments that shall remain nameless.

Today was the first day of induction for the Philadelphia Department of Ed. It was a little strange because we were being taught by Powerpoint instead of being taught by Mary. There were no colorful posters to create nor Objectives to read aloud...and nary a post break peppermint to get the electricity going in our brains. I suppose it's a good thing to experience different kinds of teaching before actually jumping in head first because you realize what to do and what not to do. Today I learned not to create powerpoint lessons. Also, I learned not to take things like cell phones from students, but to take shoes from them...or...give them a pencil for a shoe or a quarter...or something. Seriously...I'm not really sure. Maybe I just miss Mary.

In other news, Mr. Tony Danza was at induction, also learning to be a teacher in the Philadelphia school district. He's filming a reality show for A&E wherein he teaches English to high risk youth and he looked at a bunch of schools before settling on one in the Northeast...he even looked at G-Dub (Go Eagles). While he still has a lot of cred points to earn in my heart (and Katelyn agreed), he def earned a check plus today for being there and learning the biz. Nice work, Mr. D.

To Being The Boss,