Thursday, November 17, 2011


Have you discovered Sweet Paul yet? I can't believe this eluded me for so many awesome ideas for baking and DIYing. It'll help me get my magazine fix in between issues of BHG and Martha. The photos are gorgeous!

Have a sweet weekend.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I was going to write about hats...

...but I'm too obsessed with the fact that two dogs and one baby are draped all over me and all three are making beautiful sleeping sounds. Man...there needs to be a stronger word than love.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Towanda! Righter of Wrongs, Queen Beyond Compare!

I somehow roped Dan into watching Fried Green Tomatoes with me last night (ironically I just plucked the last four green tomatoes from the garden yesterday). Anyway, as usual, I grew achingly inspired by the fashions in the film thus solidifying my unwavering love for depression-era everything.

Here are some things on my list to purchase for myself in celebration of turning 30 in one month. (I know). Everything is under $100. See you at the Whistle Stop!
Blouse from Mod Cloth.
Hat by Reenacat.
A size to strive for...but still. From Shabby Apple.
From Anthropologie.
From Idea2Lifestyle.



Friday, November 11, 2011

Hair Romance

So maybe I haven't gone a single day in the past three weeks without finding spit up in my hair. (My mom calls it "a mother's badge of honor") This doesn't mean I can't continue to fantasize about beautiful hairdos.
Do you think I could pull this off? From Rhapsodic Musings.
What event would make this look appropriate? I need to get in on it.
I do NOT agree with Patti Stanger. Red hair is the bomb. (I also love the hair wear by Gardens of Whimsy).

Have a Happy Weekend.


Happy Palindromes!

(Happy Palindrome Day)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

In Celebration...(???)

Some blue things to celebrate the possible end of my baby blues:
A beautiful 'scape with lots of layers. Side note: Blue is rumored to decrease appetite. (Bonus!)
God I love a shoe with a bow.
An ode to Saturday.

I'm finally feeling like the baby blues haze is starting to peel away a bit, so why not celebrate. It's funny because it hit me in such a different way than I thought it would. I imagined myself feeling gray and living in a bathrobe with my hair in dreadlocks (if you knew me sophomore year of high school, you'd know that dreads are not a good look for me). This didn't happen. So far Amelia is a really easy going baby and she gives me a lot of time to get dressed in the morning. I make the bed every day. I let the dogs out. I've even found time to work on some necklaces. Instead of the self-centered blues that I was waiting for, my blues were directed outward toward everyone I knew. I felt sad for Amelia because I felt like she was growing up too fast and I wasn't savoring her enough. I felt badly for Dan when he had to go to work. I felt badly for James and Pete who had to readjust their lives. And when I say I felt badly....I was debilitating, often involved tears and left me very reckless. I'm still trying to power through it, but the edge is gone and I'm trying to savor this baby and he beautiful baby powers while she's still little. I'm also discovering that I have some things that I so desperately need to GET OVER!
1. Babies grow up. Stop getting mad when people tell you this or when they comment on how big Amelia is already.
2. People will talk baby talk and you must let them. After all, it's apparently good for them. Sigh.
3. The four days in the hospital will always be the best four days of my life. I need not try to top them for it will be impossible.
4. Most people don't know how to savor. That doesn't mean I shouldn't.

I hope your day is full of color...blues or otherwise.
