I had a conversation with the almighty Nicole a few weeks ago...it went something like "don't be absorbed by your job and blah blah blah." As per usual, the almighty called my bluff. I am utterly OBSESSED with my job. Lucky for me, it's because I love it. I can't really explain what it's like because I didn't really notice it until recently. I can only compare it to saving the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting close to doing just that at my job. Dramatic, sure, but it's in these times where I'm feeling the most lost that I dive in further and I disappear for a while. Maybe it's the thought that being childless isn't really being childless with 125 kids of my own to take care of every day.
This obsession has come with its fair share of victims, namely most of my friends, my husband, my dogs and, as if they were people, my many hobbies. I am not exaggerating when I say that there were literally 10,000 new blog posts in my bloglines and the famous giant embroidered peanut pillow remains half complete just as it was on the beach in August. For Christmas, I was given three beautiful embroidery/craft books that are sitting in my bathroom. I flip through them every day with the best of intensions knowing full well that some scandinavian crewel seat cushions aren't going to happen, not even close, until the peanut pillow is complete.
So, in the spirit of being balanced, I've joined a really crazy (like, scary crazy) kickboxing class and the peanut pillow is out, ready for its first stitches since Labor Day. I've cut out the appliques that I intend on stitching onto a shirt that I bought in July, I purchased the fusible interfacing and I've picked out the thread. I made a date with Katelyn for our monthly painting club where I'll (finally) finish my mixed media painting (of course it involves embroidery) without cancelling...except maybe if there's snow...uhm...tomorrow. I'm going to have a life. That's what I'm doing this year. Finally.
I'll call you Thursday, Nicole. :)
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