Let's forget that Valentine's Day is sorta made up and love it anyway. It could be much worse. We could have grave sweeping day, like they do in China, or Sports Day, like in Japan. Instead, we get a holiday that involves candy, flowers, lace and the color red. What could be better?
Like most holidays, I've always gotten in a bit over my head when it comes to Valentine's Day....like the year when I folded 365 origami stars for Dan and inside each one of them I had written something I loved about him. Man did my fingers hurt.

Or in second grade when Mrs. Fabry offered up a contest (you know how I feel about contests) for the best Valentine in the class and I knew right then and there that I had to win. And I did. The winning entry was a 3 dimensional Valentine's Day sculpture in the round (of sorts). I turned a big square box upside down, painted it green with contrasting dark green blades of grass and some tiny wildflowers here and there. I took popsicle sticks and built a tiny clothes line while sitting outside and staring at my neighbor's clothesline. It was a replica. I then cut out and sewed 27 tiny garments and painted a name of each of my classmates on each of the garments. But the best part was courtesy of Janet, my mom, who never fails. She went out and found tiny clothespins that were to scale. TO SCALE! AAA! And the kicker....painted on one side...in big bold red letters..."SENDING YOU A LINE FOR VALENTINE'S DAY." I think that may have been my mom's idea too. I was so proud that day. I won a green stuffed frog wearing a yellow rain coat and hat.
I made some vulgar valentine's in fashion school that I can't describe here and "Jesus loves you and so do I" cards when I was at Rutgers. It doubles for Dan since Valentine's Day is his birthday. For years I painted him a picture of something he loves like a big pop art bottle of ketchup. I've built him a Mexican love diorama, a pop up book and a cupcake tower with heart toppers adorned with his face. And let's not forget the year that I turned his shore house into France with French decorations, made french food and wore a french outfit with beret. I just love every second of it.
I'm not so sure if I could ever hate a holiday. I guess it's an opportunity for me to let my flag fly.
Happy February (Rabbit Rabbit)
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