Forgive me for the cliche that skips hand-in-hand with "If you could spend the day with anyone...who would it be?" (Douglas Coupland...duh). The thought popped into my head as I've been feeling like more and more of a shut in. At 41 weeks pregnant, it would appear that NO, I am not allowed to go for a walk by myself in Northern Liberties, NO, I am not allowed to wander the rows of "trashtiques" by myself at the Columbus Mart and No, I am not allowed to take the NE Corridor train into Manhattan to try out for the next season of Design Star. Jeez, Dan, what a killjoy.
The worst no of all, however, has been keeping away from Terrain. My end-all, be-all, "if you could be anywhere in the world where would it be?" locale. I know. Maybe it's lame to want to go to a store instead of, say, Versaille or somewhere equally as esthetically impressive. Terrain is tangible to me and it always fills my mind with fresh ideas. And as a poor traveler, I've come to the conclusion that I don't need to fly far away when my brain is so full of amazing thoughts. Man, I can't wait to go there again...
Here's hoping your life is enjoying a bit more autonomy. And here's to knowing that being a temporary shut-in is totally worth it.
that's what design blogs are for! i'd send you a bunch, but i feel like amelia is getting too comfortable in there.
It's all I've been doing is reading design blogs. It makes me nervous because I get this "THERES JUST TOO MUCH OUT THERE" feeling. Plus, there's nothing like going to terrain and literally touching everything in the store, which is what I do every time.
i'm currently sweating over their olive oil bottle, platter and tiny olive bowl. it makes me want to have a savory meat and cheese platter for dinner every night (or maybe i like it because i've been eating savory meat and cheese platters for dinner every night...)
with some fruit water on the side <3
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